Home Cooking Lays the Foundations For a Healthy Body

Theresa D. Begay

All the fat from the cheese and chips that fast food chains gift, nestle in your body and most of it is seen deposited around the midriff. These fats live in the place of the essential nutrients that home cooking might have provided. From a theoretical point of view, everyone agrees that fast food delicacies are deadly concoctions that their bodies do not need. People do grow nostalgic now and then about home cooking recipes and smells that wafted from grandmother’s kitchen, but somehow they go back to their fast food eateries, like an addict going back to his bottle. People have to be de-addicted from it, and giving them free recipes is one way of attracting people back to cooking wholesome food at home.

A balanced diet is the ultimate requirement for staying healthy, and one way – rather the only way – in which this can be managed, is by home cooking. There are plenty of home cooking recipes, and easy recipes at that, which make the dishes tasty and provide the necessary nutrition. Tasty dishes are the best way to make mealtimes a pleasure, and perfect mealtimes in which everyone join, are the best way to make family members bond together. In short, home cooked food and the dinner table can become the factor that knits the family together.

Dieticians and nutrition experts strongly recommend home cooking. While medical expertise itself endorses the need for home cooked food, simple layman’s wisdom is sufficient to understand the importance of cooking at home with recipes that ensure a balanced intake of food. People of developing countries rely less on fast food chains for subsistence, and most of the households in these countries have hundreds of recipes that have been handed down through generations. These are time tested and proven, with unchallengeable nutritive values and taste. They have their own traditional spices and herbs and marinades, and each recipe is unique in its own way.

Cooking is an art, and a well laid out table is a symbol of the interest a person takes in the family’s health, its gastronomic delights, and the bonding among the members of the family. Nothing will help this interest and care better than easy recipes. There are plenty of tasty and free recipes which may have a rather long preparation time and may require too much of labor. While these have their charm, they may frighten off the beginners, and make them indifferent to cooking. So start with the easier recipes, which can be whipped up quickly. While making the food simple, try to change the recipes, so that there is some variety. Somehow or other make the mealtimes attractive so that the family is attracted less and less to the junk food that goes by the name fast food.

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